Graduation Ceremonies
Pomp and Circumstance! Graduation is for the Four’s classes and TK. Numerous details will be provided as the date approaches. Special music and practice times will be scheduled. Graduation practice, along with the Graduation Ceremony, will be in the Chapel.
There are 3 ceremonies: 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30. Each ceremony typically runs about 30 minutes. Graduation is in The Chapel. Doors will open about 15 minutes before the start of each ceremony. There will be reserved rows for your class to sit up front and one row for Specials Team.
There are no strollers, car seats, food or drink allowed in The Chapel.
Each graduating class will be provided and assigned ceremony time and a set amount of admission tickets to distribute to your students. This is based on occupancy in the Chapel. If one family needs more or less, you can exchange amongst your families within the SAME ceremony time.
Graduation Teacher Packets will be handed out in advance of the event.
Staff Attire:
Staff participating in Graduation Ceremony, or any function should follow special occasion dress. No jeans or leggings. Pants or dress.
“Graduation Templates - “What I want to be when I grow up.”
Due to Allison Schurr via email
Teachers, you will ask each one of your students this question and why? Please type up your answers in a Word Document / Ariel Font / 20 Point. This will be imported into a certificate to be given with the diplomas on Graduation Day. An example of how to type these up is posted below:
Mrs. Janalyn/Mrs. Lori 4/4C Graduation labels
Beckham (Bruch) – When he grows up, he wants to be a weatherman because he wants to predict snow for Christmas.
Lillian (Carlson) – When she grows up, she wants to work in a pet shop because she likes animals.
Liam (Cruz) – When he grows up, he wants to be a race car driver because they go VROOM and he likes that sound.
Dylan (Cwik) – When he grows up, he wants to be an investor because that is what his Mom and Dad do.
Charlotte (Dudley) – When she grows up, she wants to work at the church because she wants to help with the food.
Ryan (Eichblatt) – When he grows up, he wants to be a paleontologist because they look for dinosaur bones.
Alexander (Funderburk) – When he grows up, he wants to be a fireman because they get to climb on tall ladders.
Gunnar (Gwizdowski) – When he grows up, he wants to work with computers so he can play video games because he’s really good at them.
Teagan (Hackler) – When she grows up, she wants to be a doctor because they get to give people lollipops.
Benjamin (Kahiga) – When he grows up, he wants to be a scientist because he likes to make things explode.
Nathan (Kilmer) – When he grows up, he wants to be a doctor because they help people.
Emery (Kinney) – When she grows up, she wants to be a veterinarian because they get to see a lot of animals.
Diana (Manvelian) – When she grows up, she wants to be a doctor because they get to help sick people.
Levon (Moran) – When he grows up, he wants to be a chef because he likes to make macaroni and cheese.
Dan (Nixon) – When he grows up, he wants to be a policeman because you get to arrest people.
Julia (Ortte) – When she grows up, she wants to be a librarian because it’s the easiest job she can think of!
Please use exact formatting. Copy and paste for additional students. Students should be listed in alphabetical order by last name.
If a student goes by a nickname, put it as the “First” name and then put both the given name and last name for “Last” (Ex: Lily (Lillian Brady))